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Pixelpumper 1 0 – Blog From Your Desktop


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Manage your Facebook Pixel or Google Analytics code with a single plugin and add ANY other script (Head & Footer feature). The Pinterest Tag can be implemented via free add-on.

PixelYourSite Global Events will automatically track important actions and send them to all your configured pixels (searches, form submit, comments, downloads).

You can fire your own events with zero coding.

WooCommerce and Easy Digital Downloads are fully supported, with Facebook Dynamic Ads pixel setup and Google Analytics Enhanced Ecommerce.

Take a look at this video to see the plugin in action:

NEW: Facebook Pixel Conversion API: Learn how to configure Conversion API events


The Facebook Pixel: one click install
Google Analytics: one click install
ANY script: add any other script with our flexible Head & Footer option
The Pinterest Tag: via free add-on
Google Ads (formerly AdWords) pro feature
Microsoft (BING) UET tag paid add-on

Want to learn about your Facebook Pixel? We’ve put toghether this help page


Facebook Pixe: every e-commerce related event is fired automatically. Conversion value is tracked for each event. All the events are Dynamic Product Ads ready (content_ids and content_type parameters always present).
Google Analytics: Enhanced Ecommerce implementation.
Head & Footer scripts: you can insert scripts on the WooCommerce “order-received” page.
Pinterest e-commerce events.


The EDD integration works just like the WooCommerce integration, with full Dynamic Product Ads Facebook Pixel Support, Google Analytics Enhanced Ecommerce, and Pinterest Tag e-commerce events.


The plugin will automatically fire the Global Events and send them to all active pixels. They will help you track your visitors’ activity, create Facebook Custom Audiences or Custom Conversions, Google Goals, Google Audiences, and Pinterest Audiences.

The GeneralEvent: fired on every page, it will send Facebook and Pinterest key data on how your users interact with your content. It’s parameters will track things like the page title, category, or ID. Super useful for targeted Custom Audiences.
The Search event: fired when your visitors use the search form, it will track the searched string. WooCommerce searches will be Dynamic Ads ready, sending the product’s ID to allow retargeting.
The Comment event: it will track comments.
The Download event: will be fired when a downloadable filled is clicked. You can configure what file types should fire this event.
The Form event: will be fired when a form is submitted


You can easily configure your own events and send them to all or just some of the networks (Facebook, Google, Pinterest).

You can fire standard or custom events using triggers like:

URL contains.
URL equals.
Delay event: fire after X seconds.


PixelYourSite works with 4 popular “cookie consent” plugins:

Cookiebot – link
GDPR Cookie Consent – link
Cookie Notice Plugin – link
Ginger EU Cookie Law – link

Additionally we offer filters that developers can use to create their own custom integrations. These filters can control the way each pixel works.


You can use Facebook for WooCommerce plugin along with PixelYourSite. This will let you benefit from all our advanced pixel features and still have a Facebook page shop.

When Facebook for WooCommerce is detected, the plugin will offer you the option to use their ID logic for all the WooCommerce specific events. This will ensure product matching between your site and their Product Catalog.


Facebook Manual Advanced Matching.
Remove Facebook default events.
Google Analytics cross-domain measurement.
Google Analytics Enhanced Link Attribution.
Google Analytics Anonymize IPs.
Pinterest Enhanced Matching.


PixelYourSite Pro is used by thousands of businesses already and will offer you some extraordinary features.


The ClickEvent: fired on every click and with useful parameters that will help you to identify what element was clicked (HTML links, buttons, images, etc). This event will be sent to all networks (Facebook, Google Analytics, Google Ads, Pinterest).
The WatchVideo event: fired when an embedded video is played, will let you identify the video name and will be send to all networks
The user registration event: fired when new user account is created on your website, will be sent to all networks
The AdSense event: fired when an AdSense ad is clicked, it lets you optimize your Facebook or Pinterest Ads for Google AdSense clicks, as well as creating Custom Audiences or Lookalikes.


On top of the free triggers (URL equals and URL contains), the pro version will let you fire more complexe events:

Clicks on CSS Selector: you can target virtually any clicks, like buttons, images etc.
Mouse over CSS Selector
Page Scroll: you can fire an event when any or a particular page is scrolled down to a percent.


The pro version will track a vast amount of data for each event, like the traffic source, UTMs, your visitor’s browser’s time (hour, day, month).

These parameters can be used for Custom Audiences or Custom Conversions


Support for Google Optimize (free A/B testing service by Google).

On top of the free version data, the pro version will track a number of useful Custom Dimensions.

Browser’s hour, day, and month. They are useful if you sell globally and what to know at what time your visitors take a particular action (their time, not your server’s or Google Analytics time).
Dynamic Remarketing vertical custom dimensions (Retail or Custom vertical). Useful if you want to configure dynamic remarketing via your Analytics account.


The pro version Head & Footer lets you use dynamic values: [id], [title], [categories], [email], [first_name], [last_name]. Vlc for mac os x 10 4 11.

For WooCommerce you’ll have some additional dynamic values: [order_number], [order_subtotal], [order_total], [currency].


Identify your most valuable customers with our Advanced Marketing Events. Useful to create Facebook Lookalikes or Google Similar Audiences.
CSV Export for Facebook Custom Audiences with Lifetime Value. Useful for Facebook LTV Lookalikes.
Super flexible events value configuration (include/exclude tax and shipping, use full price or a price percent for each event).
Track the Lifetime Value for your customers as Purchase event parameter.
Lots of extra parameters for the Facebook Purchase event. Useful to create advanced Custom Audiences. Check our comparison tables for details
Fire the Purchase event on transaction only.
Track WooCommerce affiliate buttons clicks.
Track WooCommerce PayPal Standard clicks.
Google Ads Dynamic Remarketing parameters

Goldfishka online casino. For more info on how the pro version can help you with your Facebook Pixel, visit this WooCommerce – Facebook Pixel page


The Pro version will implement the Google Ads Tag with Dynamic Retargeting support for WooCommerce and Easy Digital Downloads.

Each Global event will be sent to Google Ads too, and you can configure Google Ads conversions.

Add conversion label to any WooCommerce or EDD event.


With the Super Pack you get 5 extra add-ons:

Why is my hard disk not detected on mac. Multiple pixels: add multiple Facebook pixels, Google Analytics, or Google Ads tags
Remove a pixel from a particular page
Dynamic parameters for events
WooCommerce custom “thank you pages”
AMP support

The super pack comes as a free bonus with our Advanced and Agency licenses.


For more details about how PixelYourSite Pro can help your business, visit our website. Make sure you check our free versus pro comparison page

Learning Section: we’ve put together a number of articles with all sort of tips and tricks that will help you with your ads. Click here for our learning section

Video Tips: watch short videos showing how to do all sort of ads related things. Click here to watch the video tips

Documentation: learn how to use PixelYourSite free plugin. Click here for the HELP articles


  • From the WP admin panel, click ”Plugins” -> ”Add new”.
  • In the browser input box, type ”PixelYourSite”.
  • Select the ”PixelYourSite” plugin (authored by ”PixelYourSite”), and click ”Install”.
  • Activate the plugin.


  • Download the plugin from this page.
  • Save the .zip file to a location on your computer.
  • Open the WP admin panel, and click ”Plugins” -> ”Add new”.
  • Click ”upload”. then browse to the .zip file downloaded from this page.
  • Click ”Install”. and then ”Activate plugin”.


  • Download the plugin from this page.
  • Extract the .zip file to a location on your computer.
  • Use either FTP or your host’s cPanel to gain access to your website file directories.
  • Browse to the wp-content/plugins directory.
  • Upload the extracted wp_edit folder to this directory location.
  • Open the WP admin panel. click the ”Plugins” page. and click ”Activate” under the newly added plugin.


We maintain an up-to-date FAQ page on our site: Click Here for the FAQ Page

FACEBOOK PIXEL: Do I need to copy/paste the full Facebook Pixel code somewhere?

No, you just have to enter your pixel ID in the dedicated field. The plugin will do the rest for you.

FACEBOOK PIXEL: Where can I find the Facebook Pixel ID?

You can find it here:

FACEBOOK PIXEL: Can I use the plugin for Custom Audiences or Custom Conversions?

Absolutely yes! Actually, the plugin will super-optimize your site for Custom Audiences and Custom Conversions.

You will be able to create the classical ones based on URLs, but also Custom Combinations, like people who visited posts from category XYZ, or tagged with tag ABC in the last 30 days.

Use the PRO version, and you’ll be able to do crazy things, like targeting people that came from Google and visited products under category “blue widget”, or clients who bought products of at least $100, using the discount coupon “promo”.

FACEBOOK PIXEL: I used the old Facebook Pixel, will my audiences still work?

Yes, they will, you won’t lose anything.

FACEBOOK PIXEL: Does it work with WooCommerce?

Yes, it does. The plugin adds all the necessary events, like ViewContent, AddToCart, InitiateCheckout, and Purchase. This way you can easily track conversions and conversion value.

FACEBOOK PIXEL: Do I have to manually add the events for WooCommerce?

No, you don’t, the plugin will take care of everything for you.

FACEBOOK PIXEL: Does it work with Easy Digital Downloads?

Yes, it works in the same way it does with WooCommerce.

FACEBOOK PIXEL: Does it work with Dynamic Product Ads (promote a product catalog)

Yes, all the WooCommerce and EDD pixel events are Dynamic Ads ready.

FACEBOOK PIXEL: Can I fire additional events if I need to?

Of course, you can fire any type of event (standard or custom).

There are several triggers you can use:

*URL includes (supports delay)
*URL equals (supports delay)
*Click on HTML link (pro)
*Click on CSS Selector (pro)
*Mouse over CSS Selector (pro)
*Page scroll (pro)

FACEBOOK PIXEL: I have the pixel installed on my website and I am running a Facebook Campaign, but the reports are confusing me. How can I see my campaign results?

We have an article about how to create Custom Reports: How to optimize your Facebook Ads Reports for events tracking

GOOGLE ANALYTICS: Do I need to copy/paste all the Google Analytics code?

No, you just need to copy/paste your Google Analytics UA id.

GOOGLE ANALYTICS: Where can I find my Google Analytics UA id?

You can find it right inside your Google Analytics account, under Property Settings.
For more information on how to get your UA id, follow this link

GOOGLE ANALYTICS: Is Google Analytics Enhanced Ecommerce supported?

Yes, Google Analytics Enhanced Ecommerce data is tracked automatically for WooCommerce and Easy Digital Downloads.

HEAD AND FOOTER: Can I add any scripts I want with your Head and Footer option?

Yes, you can add any type of scripts you want. Open computer with apple watch.

HEAD AND FOOTER: Can I show scripts just on mobile or desktop?

Yes, you can.
You can configure scripts for all devices, just for mobile, or just for desktop.

HEAD AND FOOTER: Can I hide scripts on some pages.

Yes, you can hide the global scripts on any page you want.

HEAD AND FOOTER: Can I add scripts on WooCommerce’s order-received page?

Yes, you can add or hide scripts on the WooCommerce’s order-received page.

PINTEREST TAG: Do I need to install your free Pinterest add-on?

Yes, if you want to implement the Pinterest tag you’ll need our free Pinterest add-on.
You can get it from here

PINTEREST TAG: Where can I find my Pinterest tag ID?

You can find your Pinterest tag ID inside your Pinterest account.
For more information go to our help page

PINTEREST TAG: Can I fire my own Pinterest events?

Pixelpumper 1 0 – Blog From Your Desktop

Yes, you can fire your own Pinterest tags events effortless.

There are several triggers you can use:

*URL includes (supports delay)
*URL equals (supports delay)
*Click on HTML link (pro)
*Click on CSS Selector (pro)
*Mouse over CSS Selector (pro)
*Page scroll (pro)

Pixelpumper 1 0 – Blog From Your Desktop Pc

PINTEREST TAG: I use WooCommerce or EDD, do I need to add the Pinterest events myself?

No, absolutely not!
The plugin will fire all the Pinterest e-commerce events automatically.

Pixelpumper 1 0 – Blog From Your Desktop Computer

Will your plugin increase the loading time of my site?

The plugin itself is really fast. However, you have to remember that the pixel has to communicate with Facebook, Google, or Pinterest to send all the data, and this will add a little load on your site.

Will this impact on your visitors? No, because all the requests are asynchronous, meaning that the browser will continue to load and your users will not see any delay whatsoever.

Are there any known incompatibilities with other themes or plugins?

There are a few you should consider:

*Any plugin or solution that implements the same pixel or tag. Having the same tracking pixel added twice can cause problems.

*We had a problem with Mamaya, a retargeting service.

*It won’t work with LeadPages or any similar system because those pages are generated outside WordPress.

*Some clients reported problems with Thrive landing pages. This happens because Thrive removes other plugins JS files.

There’s a strange solution: it appears that if you have the Yoast plugin installed the problem will go away.

*Upsell plugins can cause problems with purchase tracking. If they add an intermediary page after the transaction, we have a filter their developer can use to call our default Purchase event

Are there any situations when the plugin will connect to outside sources?

Yes, there are, and we will explain them here:

*We offer you the possibility to voluntarily subscribe to our newsletter and get valuable tips. We manage our newsletter using ActiveCampaing. When you subscribe, we will call our server that intermediates the API connection, and then the data is sent to ActiveCampaign. The information that is passed: the name you provide and the email. If you check the “I use WooCommerce” checkbox, we will add this information as a tag, to give you better tips in the future.

*Add-on updates: the plugin works with free or paid add-ons (for Pinterest, Bing, etc) that we provide and host on our server. When you install such an add-on, we will do checks for updates. If you have a valid license for the add-on, we will automatically download the latest version of the add-on from our servers. The core plugin (PixelYourSite itself) updates are provided using WordPress own servers.

*When you install a pixel or a tag (like the Facebook Pixel or Google Analytics), the script will call for their specific files. These scripts are hosted on their servers (Facebook’s servers, Google’s servers).

*If you install scripts using our Head & Footer option, these scripts may load files from third-party servers. You can check this using your browser’s Console.

Do you record data about the websites’ traffic

NO, absolutely not! We don’t track any type of data about your website. We simply implement the pixel/tag code.


Google analytics tag works only when you are logged in as a user. If you log out, the google analytics tag is not published anymore.

Pixelpumper 1 0 – Blog From Your Desktop
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